Adelie Productions seeing the world differently

Adelie Productions

Adelie Productions

Adelie Productions is an award-winning business devoted to seeing and communicating about the world in different ways. Its particular focus is on the production of nonfiction works, especially those involved with science.

Adelie Productions produces principally films (from short videos to feature-length documentaries) and online forms of communication, especially websites, blogs and videos.

Adelie Productions is headed by Lloyd Spencer Davis, who is an award-winning filmmaker, writer, photographer, and scientist.

Adelie Productions can be contacted here for further information, products and pricing.
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Current Projects

Adelie Productions is currently working on films about the following topics:
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The Science of Wine
This is a film that looks at the way wine is made in the Old World and New World. Filmed largely in Spain and New Zealand, it is currently being edited.
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Ansel Adams
Adelie Productions is putting together a short film about the great American Landscape photographer, Ansel Adams. Filmed in Yosemite National Park, Monterey and San Francisco.
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Professor Ian Jamieson
This is a film honoring the life and work of Ian Jamieson, a conservation biologist originally hailing from Canada, who did much to protect the well-being of many of New Zealand's endangered bird species.